Seven Narrations On Water and Life

In this tourist route, we have tried to show the seven narrations of water and life that show the life-giving effect of water in old Yazd, manifestations of life, security, health, cleanliness, purity and development. This heritage has a lot to say to us. If we look carefully, there will be many lessons learned in this series. This route will take us back in history, to a time when Yazd was represented by its Kariz Civilization. It starts from Amirchakhmagh square from its water reservoir. Takes us to the water museum where a Sradab can be visited. The next stop is the Darvazeh Mehriz (Mehriz Gate) Water Reservoir. From that point the Payab of Jame’ mosque, and the Shah Kamaalieh Hammam can be visited. Then visitors can move to the Rakhtshooy Khane and finally Vazir watermill.


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  • Address : Mojtame Edarat, Danshjou Blvd., Yazd, Iran
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