2nd IWA Workshop on Evolution of Qanat and Relevant Hydraulic Technologies
8-10 Nov, 2015
Yazd, Iran
Background and Introduction
This workshop is in fact the continuation of the first IWA Workshop on “Traditional Qanats Technologies” which took place between 24 and 26 October 2013 in Marrakesh, Morocco. The Marrakesh workshop was aimed mostly at exploring the technical values of qanat and its engineering heritage left for our generation to build a more sustainable future. This workshop tries to build upon the last one in order to delve further into the questions around historical, social and technical evolution of qanat, and to exchange ideas on how to help qanats survive the ongoing global changes.
Qanat can be regarded as a collective response of human communities to the environmental conditions. Qanat accordingly underlay a particular production system and economic structure in which a variety of social, political and cultural elements are anchored. These elements are inevitably subject to change, leaving qanats out in the cold. We want to discuss how to re-establish the same systematic connection between qanat and society as existed in the past.
Submission information
Scientific and technical staff at international, national and local levels, practitioners, consultants, researchers, students and educators, involved in water, water history and traditional water-related issues are invited to submit their abstracts. Consistent with the title of the workshop, the subject should address one of the themes and topics as listed above. The abstracts should be presented in English and not exceed one and a half typed pages. The International Scientific Committee will select from the extended abstracts those whose authors will be requested to prepare full length papers. The participants are kindly requested to submit their abstracts by 10 July 2015, and their full length papers by 10 September 2015, by emailing them to: info@icqhs.org
The registration fee is calculated according to the following table, which covers publications, lunch, refreshments, and one day field visit in Yazd.
Euro |
High income country - Early registration |
Non IWA |
300 |
200 |
YWP (student) |
100 |
Spouse |
100 |
High income country - Late registration |
Non IWA |
300 |
200 |
YWP (student) |
100 |
Spouse |
100 |
Low income country - Early registration |
Non IWA |
200 |
100 |
YWP (student) |
50 |
Spouse |
50 |
Low income country - Late registration |
Non IWA |
200 |
100 |
YWP (student) |
50 |
Spouse |
50 |
The workshop will take place at the UNESCO Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS), Yazd, Iran.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 10 July, 2015
Full length paper submission: 10, September, 2015
Workshop date: 8-10 November, 2015
All sessions, debates and discussions will be held in English. It is therefore required that all participants have proficiency in the English language.
The participants who need entry visa to Iran should send a copy of their passports to the workshop secretariat to facilitate their visa issuance.
Yazd City
Yazd is a tourist city and is considered unique among the cities built by adobe. The water needed for this city has always been supplied by means of qanats. The garden of Dowlat Abad in the Yazd downtown has been registered as UNESCO world heritage, and the historical part of the city has been nominated also for UNESCO world heritage list.
In May which is high season for Yazd, the hotels are overcrowded and have limitations to host all the tourists. We recommend you to let us know your decision to attend the workshop at your earliest convenience so we can help you book your hotel room. The hotel cost for one person varies from 20 to 120 Euros per night with the type of hotel. If you need our help to book your hotel room, please let us know what range of price you wish, since the participants’ accommodation is by their own arrangement.
Workshop Certificate
Participants will receive a certificate attesting their participation, issued and signed by IWA and UNESCO –ICQHS.
International Water Association (IWA)
UNESCO Centre of Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures, Yazd (ICQHS)
Other Partners
Yazd Regional Water Authority
Provincial Government of Yazd
UNESCO Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS)
Website: www.icqhs.org
Email: soudeh.semsar@icqhs.org
TEL: +98 35 38258393 – Extension 1
Fax: +98 35 38241690
Contact name: Ms. Soudeh Semsar Yazdi
Iranian Ministry of Energy
General Government of Yazd
Tentative Scientific Committee
Prof. Constantin Canavas (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Prof. Giovanni De Feo (University of Salerno)
Prof. Pengfei Du (School of Environment, Tsinghua University)
Prof. Fatma El Gohari (National Research Center, Egypt)
Prof. Mooyoung Han (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng., Seoul National University)
Prof. Benoit Haut (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Prof. Blanca Jiménez Cisneros (Division of Water Sciences, IHP, UNESCO)
Prof. Albert Koenig (Dept. of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Dale Lightfoot (Oklahoma State University)
Prof. Jens A. Krasilnikoff (Dept.of History and Area Studies, Aarhus University)
Dr. Olfa Mahjoub (Institut National de Recherche en Genie Rural, Eaux et Forets (INRGREF), Tunisia)
Prof. Laila Mandi (Environmental Sciences, University Cadi Ayyad, Morocco)
Prof. Miquel Salgot (Soil Science Laboratory, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona)
Prof. H. Weingartner (Dept. of Geography and Geology, University of Salzburg)
Dr. Shrikant Daji Limaye (Project Leader, UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP Project “GROWNET”, India)
Prof. A. N. Angelakis (National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.), Greece)
Prof. P. Laureano (International traditional Knowledge Institute, ITKI, Italy)
Dr. El Faïz (University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech)
Dr. Z.Xiao Yun (International Water History Association)
Mr. Taha Ansari (National Agency of Hydraulic Resources, Algeria)
Dr. Thierry Ruf (IRD UMR GRED, France)
Dr. A. Al Ghafri (University of Nizwa, Oman)
Dr. Wufuer Nueding (Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources of Xinjiang, China)
Mr. Samir Bensaid (International Institute for Water and Sanitation, Morocco)
Dr. Hannane Benqlilou (International Institute for Water and Sanitation, Morocco)
Dr. Maya K. Peterson (University of California)
Dr. Elovset Quliyev (University of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan)
Dr. O. Blumenstein (Department of Geoecology, University of Potsdam)
Dr. Marc de Vrie (Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology)
Dr. Laila Mandi (Environmental Sciences, University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech)
Dr. Theo Olsthoorn (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft)
Dr. Mohamed Thameur Chaibi (National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry, Tunisia)
Dr. Christophe Thiers
Dr. Vardakos Sotirios
Dr. Nicholas Kathijotes (Department of Civil Engineering, Cyprus University of Technology)
Dr. Κostas Voudouris (Lab. of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, School of Geology, Aristotle Univ.)
I.R. Iran:
Mr. Hossein Ghafori (UNESCO- ICQHS)
Dr. Ali Asghar Semsar Yazdi (UNESCO- ICQHS)
Mr. Majid Labbaf Khaneiki (UNESCO- ICQHS)
Prof. Saeid Eslamian (Isfahan University of Technology)
Dr. M. H. Papoli (Amirkabir Research Institute, Tehran/Iran)
Dr. J. Safinejad (University of Tehran)
Dr. Z. Cheraghi (Yazd University, Department of History)
Mr. S. Ali Mahmoudian (IWA, Iran)
Dr. S. Ali Ayatolahi (Dean of Art & Architecture, Yazd University)