Cooperation between the World Heritage Site of Yazd Qanat and the International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures

Cooperation between the World Heritage Site of Yazd Qanat and the International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures in line with the implementation of the project "Investigation of the impact of climate change on the qanat registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site; A case study of Hassan Abad Moshir Qanat".

In line with the implementation of the project "Investigation of the impact of climate change on the qanat registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site; A case study of Hassan Abad Moshir Qanat" on 2023-09-19, a meeting was held in the presence of the respected head of the center, representatives of the World Heritage Site of Yazd Qanat, representatives and the muqanni of Hassan Abad Moshir qanat, the project manager and colleagues in the meeting room of the center.

In this meeting, the project manager gave a brief presentation of the steps taken and delivered the project report's final version to the respected center head. Then the project partners reported a description of their actions in advancing the implementation of the project. In the following, the manager and expert of the World Heritage Site of Yazd Qanat presented their solutions to cooperate and run the project as best as possible. Also, the representatives and muqanni of Hassan Abad Moshir qanat expressed their criticisms and suggestions to restore, maintain, and manage the qanat in the face of various climatic, human, economic, and social damages. Finally, the honorable head of the center summarized the points of the opinions raised.

News code: 89
  News Date : 2023-09-23



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