Holding a meeting on Water, Peace and Resilience

The Water, Peace and Resilience meeting was held with the participation of Yazd University and International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures with the presence of researchers, researchers and thinkers in the field of water resources management.

The "Water, Peace and Resilience" meeting was held with the participation of Yazd University and the International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures, bringing together researchers, scholars and thought leaders in the field of water resources management at ICQHS in Yazd(Iran).
The meeting was held on Wednesday morning, May 5, in the presence of experts and interested parties, and focused on the management of water resources and the study of the related historical, political, cultural, social, etc. aspects.

In the first part of this meeting, Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Javadianzadeh, head of the International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures, while welcoming the audience, spoke about the importance of holding this meeting and its goals. Then, Dr. Ali Akbar Tashakori, assistant professor of history at Yazd University, presented historical topics related to the topic of the meeting.
Later in the programme, Professor Janos Bogardi, former President of the United Nations University in Europe, spoke as a special guest of this meeting on the issue of transboundary water sovereignty in the global and regional dimension and gave some examples. He emphasised the importance of world peace for the sustainable development of various sectors.

 In the second part, a Q&A session was held under the leadership of Dr. Samsar Yazdi, in which questions and doubts were raised by experts and interested parties and at the end suggestions were made to solve the problems and challenges in the areas discussed.

News code: 103
  News Date : 2024-05-01



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