Holding the Sepas-e-Karizgaran event

The "Sepas-e-Karizgaran" conference was held in Yazd with the aim of honoring the efforts and experts of the Qanat field and preserving the valuable heritage of water.

The "Sepas-e-Karizgaran"  event was held on Sunday evening, December 15, 2024, at the Shahid Montazeri Qaem Hall of the Yazd Governorate. The event was organized at the proposal of the International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures and with the collaboration of other relevant organizations. This gathering, attended by a group of Moqannies (Qanat workers), national and provincial officials, researchers, and activists in the field of Qanats and historic hydraulic structures, aimed to honor the invaluable efforts and contributions of Moqannies in the development of the country.

During the conference, the Governor of Yazd, the President of the International Center on Qanats, the Deputy Governor for Urban Affairs, the Deputy Director for Water and Soil Affairs of the Provincial Agricultural Jihad Organization, the Secretary-General of the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO, and Dr. Papoli Yazdi delivered speeches. They commended the dedication of Moqannies, emphasized the necessity of supporting this vital group, and highlighted the importance of reviving Qanats as a national and global heritage. Another segment of the program was dedicated to presenting the views and demands of representatives of the Qanat workers.

As part of the event, the documentary The Secret of the Qanat, directed by Mr. Ahmad Sarraf, and the book The Thirsty One Came from Afar, authored by Mr. Mohammad Mahdi Javadianzadeh, the President of the International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures, were unveiled. These works were presented to underscore the significance of Qanats as a cultural and historical heritage of the country and to promote awareness in this field.

News code: 133
  News Date : 2024-12-21



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