2nd IWA Workshop on Evolution of Qanat and Relevant Hydraulic Technologies

2nd IWA Workshop on Evolution of Qanat and Relevant Hydraulic Technologies took place between 8 and 10 November 2015 in Yazd, Iran.

IWA Workshop on Evolution of Qanat and Relevant Hydraulic Technologies took place between 8 and 10 November 2015 in Yazd, Iran. The main objective of this workshop was to pool the researches recently done on the historical origin of qanat and its technical and social evolution. The workshop delved further into the secret of qanat sustainability throughout human history, and tried to provide answers to the following questions:
How could qanat enhance humans’ adaptability to their changing environment?
How can qanat still help to retain balance between human and nature?
This workshop was attended by 22 international and 12 Iranian scholars. International participants came from the countries Germany, USA, Algeria, Tunisia, France, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Morocco, Greece, China and Iraq. Some 50 papers were submitted to the workshop secretariat, out of which 25 papers were accepted by the scientific committee. The papers were published in the workshop proceedings and handed out during the sessions. Oral presentations were given at 7 sessions as follows:
Session 1: Historical evolution (1)
Session 2: Historical evolution (2)
Session 3: Sustainability – Qanat and city
Session 4: Case studies
Session 5: Culture and heritage of qanat
Session 6: Technology and engineering – management
Session 7: Qanat practitioners’ roundtable
News code: 29
  News Date : 2015-11-23



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