7th Governing Board Meeting of ICQHS

7th Governing Board Meeting of ICQHS was held on 8 November 2015 in Yazd, Iran.

7th Governing Board Meeting of ICQHS was held on 8 November 2015 in Yazd, Iran. This meeting was attended by Mr. Rahim Meydani chairperson of ICQHS governing board and I.R.Iran deputy minister of energy for water and wastewater, Hossein Talebian deputy director of Iranian cultural heritage organization, UNESCO representative, IWA representative, Iranian ministry of agriculture representative, UNESCO-IHE representative, GB members and observers from the countries Algeria, Iraq, China, Netherlands, Greece and Tunisia. Mr. Hossein Ghafori the acting director of ICQHS started the meeting with giving a report on the activities of ICQHS during the last year. At this meeting, it was agreed that cooperation and scientific relationship between UNESCO-IHE and ICQHS become closer and more practical through defining some joint research or educational programs. Also ICQHS was recommended to increase its presence on internet and relevant websites and virtual networks. It was also agreed to define and carry out a project on establishing a cooperation network between the organizations and individuals who are interested and involved in the issues of qanat and historic hydraulic structures in order to create more synergy between them. At the end, the attendees came up with some comments and ideas to help ICQHS promote its activities and plans. This meeting finished with inauguration of a book published by ICQHS and authored by Majid Labbaf Khaneiki and Ali Asghar Semsar Yazdi, entitled Qanat Tourism.

News code: 30
  News Date : 2015-11-23



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