First Webinar on Tourism and Water Intangible Heritage

International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures took the initiative and held a webinar on “Tourism and Water Intangible Heritage” for Iranian tour guides on 18 August 2020, in cooperation with Iran Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (IFTGA).

This webinar was aimed at depicting the cultural values of water in relation to tourism, which have the potential to be incorporated to Iran’s tourism branding. Iranian civilization is widely known as hydraulic civilization, because water and the way water has been managed underlie many of Iran’s social, political and economic structures, and water has always acted as a context for Iran’s cultural evolution. Therefore, almost whatever the tourists visit in Iran are somehow part of the cultural landscape of water, and the tourists can improve their sense of place through their awareness of cultural dimension of water. The tour guides can be perfect vehicles to convey such water concepts to others through their everyday contacts with a considerable number of tourists. During this webinar, the following topics were lectured by Dr. Mehdi Javadian and Dr. Majid Labbaf Khaneiki.

1- Tourism-related values of the eleven Iranian qanats registered on UNESCO World Heritage List

2- The concept of water cultural landscape in relation to sustainable tourism

3- An introduction to the structure and mechanism of qanat

4- An introduction to historic hydraulic structures and their role in tourism development

News code: 54
  News Date : 2020-10-06



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